Doits mission and work

DOITS was established in 2012 with the mission to improve the transport industry’s usability of the data that is generated by trucks and trailers.

Too many proprietary commercial Fleet Management Solutions are not harmonized in the delivery of some basic data. Transport companies with mixed fleets cannot make full use of investments in their Fleet Management Solutions as the generated information is often not comparable.

End user confusion leads to less transport efficiency and unnecessary cost.

DOITS philosophy is if major commercial players agree on an industry harmonization or standard they have the best prerequisites to make end user-oriented solutions on shortest time.

DOITS working group is therefore a forum with commercial companies as members, that represent the parties offering functionality and solutions based on data generation from trucks and trailers. Together they have a dominating market share within their respective business sectors.

ACEA’s TF HDEI is responsible for standardisation of data from heavy trucks delivered through the FMS and rFMS interfaces. DOITS has an advisory role and recommendations of harmonization from DOITS working group is presented for ACEA’s TF HDEI, for them to make standardisation decisions.

All work in DOITS aim to improve the end user value and all findings are open for any party to use. DOITS just push for general improvement and share all results from meetings.

No discussions on commercial issues are allowed in the DOITS meetings, focus is on harmonization and standardization for the good of all actors in the transport industry.

The working group meets two, three times a year in Amsterdam.

Funding of DOITS is done by the members in the working group through an annual fee
for organisation the work.

DOITS is coordinated and moderated by UNIC AB.