Improved acceleration band in FMS/rFMS
DOITS working group have proposed to ACEA HDEI FMS Standardisation Group to in the
new version of rFMS 2,0 increase the granularity in the acceleration band between -1,1
to 1,1 m/s2 in 0,1 m/s2 steps.
A truck driver can influence the fuel consumption significantly when starting to pull the
load as well as when braking. When analysing driver behaviour, the acceleration
between 0- 1 is of utmost importance to register to be able to educate drivers as well as
understand differences in wear and break down of trucks.
HDEI FMS Standardisation Group initial agreement for rFMS 2,0 (m/s2).
Acceleration In Classes – Seconds, Meters, Classes define in, in m/s2, Minimum 11
], -4] ]-4, -3] ]-3, -2] ]-2, -1] ]-1, -0.1] ]-0.1, 0.1[ [0.1, 1[ [1, 2[ [2, 3[ [3, 4[ [4, ]
DOITS Proposal.
DOITS proposed the following to cover acceleration as well as deceleration between -1,1
to 1,1:
-1,1] ]-1.1, -1,0 ] ]-1.0, -0,9 ] ]-0,9, -0,8 ] ]-0,8,-0,7 ] ]-0,7, -0,6 ] ]-0,6, -0,5 ] ]-0,5, -0,4 ] ]
]-0,4, -0,3 ] ]-0,3, -0,2 ] ]-0,2, -0,1 ] ]-0,1, 0,1 ] ]0,1, 0,2 ] ]0,2, 0,3 ] ]0,3, 0,4 ] ]0,4, 0,5 ]
] 0,5, 0,6 ] ] ]0,6, 0,7 ] ]0,7, 0,8 ] ]0,8, 0,9 ] ]0,9, 1,0] ] 1,1,
HDEI FMS Standardisation Group’s mandatory version (m/s2).
DOITS proposal was forwarded to HDEI FMS Standardisation Group and based on this
the final decision rFMS 2,0 is:
-1,1 ] ]-1.1, -0,9 ] ]-0,9,-0,7 ] ]-0,7, -0,5 ] ]-0,5, -0,3 ] ]-0,3, -0,1 ] ]-0,1, 0,1 ] ]0,1, 0,3 ]
]0,3, 0,5 ] ]0,5, 0,7 ] ]0,7, 0,9 ] ] 0,9, 1,1 ] ] 1,1, ]